Yeh, yeh, yeh, things are starting to become more serious when you get to secondary school. More homework, more exams, and maybe less fun. And that might include writing and storytelling. Pressure. Judgement. Get us out of here! But it really doesn’t have to be like that. As mentioned on the Primary School page, try exploring and experimenting with words, ideas and how you express yourself. If it helps, look for topics that you like. Let your mind go. Unleash it. Take that journey. It doesn’t matter if you don’t get top marks. Some of the most extraordinary stories ever told could be ripped apart by a red pen.

There are bits and pieces on this site that might help you. So, if you’re keen, let’s start with What do you need to tell a story – YouTube. It’s a simple introduction, but it help you gain a sense of this site: we can find hidden treasures in the most unexpected places.

Featured Resources

What is a plot?

Don't bring me a story, bring me...

More Resources

Can You make a story from this?


Crack-A-Story offers online workshops/presentations/mentoring and school visits for both students and teachers. If you need more information or would like to make a booking,