Before you jump too far into these pages, there are some important tools you must put in your storytelling toolbox. Your toolbox should always have:
- Curiosity: That means you must ask questions. Who? What? Where? Why? When? And How? Never stop asking questions. Questions lead to answers, answers lead to questions, and those questions lead to more answers, and on and on you go. Be curious, forever curious.
- Imagination: Nothing is impossible in your imagination. There is nowhere you cannot go and nothing you cannot do. Never stop using it.
- The courage to explore and experiment: Go on a journey. Experiment with words, ideas, and how you express yourself. There are no rules. See what works for you.
- Love of fun!
Check out ‘The cat sat on the mat’ to see what can happen when you use the tools. And remember to always keep in mind the ‘The Golden Understandings’
Featured Resources
Have you started training?
Is this the start of a story for you?
Maybe this is the start of a story for you?
There are stories just hanging to be told. Can you tell one?
Have you tried telling a picture story?
The power of simple pleasures
In your exploration of Crack-A-Story you might have come across the importance that we place on using our senses in storytelling. How about you watch these two short clips from our visit to England, and see if you can apply anything you feel into part of a story or a description.
Hello, I’m Roger and I’m a dog. Actually, some people call me a pup, but I’m not really sure what that means. You see, I haven’t been in this world for very long. Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that because I don’t know what ‘this world’ is; it’s just something I heard one of my bosses say when I peed in their kennel next to the big steel box that has lots of crunchy things I want to eat. My bosses are very nice. I don’t know how many bosses I have because I can’t count yet. I have Boy Boss, and I have Bald Boss, and I have Big Boss who is in charge of us all. She is so smart that she discovered I like chasing green things across the floor near the steel box. I think she calls them ‘frozen pees.’ Please forgive me if I spell some words wrong. I have so much to learn. Like, I have this thing behind me that I can make move when I am happy. And you know the best part? When I move it, it can make my bosses happy too. The thing is called a tail, and when I move it from side to side it is called ‘wagging a tail.’ I know that because Bald Boss told me. He said: ‘Roger, you are wagging your tail.’ And that made me move my tail even quicker, and Bald Boss laughed, and he said: ‘See Roger, look what you can do, buddy!’ You know, I feel sorry for Bald Boss because he doesn’t have a tail. So, that is a lesson for me: I must wag my tail as much as I can to make Bald Boss laugh. I like the sound of laughter. It makes me want to wag my tail. Anyhow, I’m tired. So, I’m off to have a sleep. But before I go, I hope you don’t mind if I ask you a really important question: Will you be my friend? I’m going to use this bog, I mean blog, to keep in touch with you as much as I can. Let’s grow up and learn together.
Wags from afar,
Crack-A-Story offers online workshops/presentations/mentoring and school visits for both students and teachers. If you need more information or would like to make a booking,