Stories are like onions. They can have many layers. But you don’t have to write pages and pages of words to make your audience think. Here’s a brief exercise about being brief. Have you ever written a ten-word story? See if you can write a ten-worder that leaves an impact. Here are a few examples:
They pressed the buttons. Machines stopped. No more plastic. Ever!
We rush to hospital. A baby cries. My new sister.
Seconds remain. I shoot. The keeper dives. Goal! Our trophy.
Lightning. Thunder. Leaks, drips, buckets. An old but loving home.
Dawn. The butterfly spreads its wings. Tomorrow will never come.
Ok, it’s now your turn. You might like to choose a theme, such as sport, the environment, people, or places. If it helps, here are some pictures that could stimulate your thoughts. Also, if you’re ready for the challenge, why not try writing even shorter stories? For example, the photo at the head of this page was written by us for an eight-word competition.
Good luck. Have fun. And don’t be embarrassed to swap ideas and share your stories.